A Prayer as I Awakened

Oh Lord,

That I would be known as a “Woman after God’s own Heart”.  For you are so good and so gracious to me.  Oh Lord, Your love is from everlasting to everlasting and your love endures forever.  You are the God who desires to walk with me- and I desire to walk with you all the days of my life ~ for better is one day with you than anywhere else.  All I desire is to walk with you.  Do not let me wander from your side, my God, for I want to dwell in your shadow.

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You are Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Creator and Lover of my soul ~ and yet, Lord, you desire me!  You desire to have my heart above all else that I would desire your heart above all else.  Your love for me is so great, Oh Lord.  More than I can fathom or contain.  The vastness of your beauty and your splendor, Oh Lord.  Your thoughts are precious toward me, Oh God ~ and how vast is the sum of them!  For when I lay down to sleep, you are there with me; and when I go to rise in the morning, you are with me.  You are always at my side and I can talk to you daily.  I can pray without ceasing and know that you are with me all the time.  

You hear the cry of my heart, for my heart wants to know how to love you, Lord.  I know not how in my flesh, and I want you to show me how, ALL the days of my life.  Don’t let me wander from your side, Lord.  But let me be so in tune with your Spirit ~ to hear your voice daily, to welcome your thoughts daily.  For your thoughts are not my thoughts – and your ways are not my ways; so teach me your ways, Lord.  I want to know and understand your ways.  I want to love like you love.  I want to speak what you say.  I want to go where you go.  I want to reflect your heart to the hurting world around me. 


Oh Lord, they desperately need you!  Don’t let them perish without extending your love to them.  Lord, that they might want your love and they would want to dwell with you forever.  Soften the hearts of the people around me…that I might gain favor in your eyes and in the eyes of others- for your sake that I would be bold and not hesitate.  That every member of my family would have such passion and desire for you, Oh God.  That they may abide by your side throughout life.  That they might understand and know and experience your great love for them- and never reject that- but always embrace you, Lord, when you reach out to them.

How I love you, Oh Lord.  Teach them to love you, even more than they love me ~ even more than I love you.  Fill them with your Spirit mightily, God, even now in their youth- that they would not wander from your heart- that they would not have desire for anything or anyone but you, God!  To walk in your ways all the days of their life.


Oh Lord, show people everywhere that loving you is what their lives are about.  That is what we were created to do!

I want to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.  In the open place…in the secret place…no matter where I am, you are there.

In Jesus’ beautiful name, Amen.
